About me

  • Jamia Davis, MSW, LCSWA, LCAS, CSI

    At many points in my life when I was struggling I recognized two things. I never felt heard and I never felt seen. I mean TRULY. Never feeling ‘good enough’ caused me unbearable pain throughout my life. As I worked hard in therapy to unpack generational, societal and RACIAL trauma I began to see myself more. I began to see myself as a person worthy of love, healing and abundance.

    This process is hard and I know the idea of reaching out for help can be daunting. I also know that you already have EVERYTHING you need within you. I will challenge you to humanize your experience while encouraging you to extend compassion to yourself while overcoming life’s difficulties. You’ve made it this far. Something within got you to this point, even in the midst of all the pain and suffering. Together, we will lean into the pain and suffering to explore the freedom that can emerge from the other side.

    Signed -

    A Dope Ass, NeuroSpicy, Black Therapist